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Reiki Treatments


Access the power within you with Reiki Healing Treatments. Experience:

  • Increased Energy

  • Clearer Focus

  • Greater Mobility

  • Better Sleep

  • Deeper, Richer Relationships


Reiki Courses/Attunements

Energy Healing

Do you wish to be Attuned to the Reiki Frequency for yourself or do you want to become a Practitioner?


We offer courses in the following:

  • Reiki Level I

  • Reiki Level II

  • Reiki Master/Teacher


Shamanic Drumming


Reiki drumming is a specialized method of healing that makes use of the sound waves from the drum to introduce Reiki energy more deeply into a client’s energy field. Drumming has been used in many cultures for ceremonies, healing and to connect to the Divine.


Deep Emotional Release


is an activating of energetic points throughout the body. This is not a modality that happens ‘to us’ but rather one in which we actively engage in. During a session the practitioner holds the space for you and helps guide you to let your body do what it naturally does to heal.


Animal & Angel Guides

Image by Nancy Stapler

Has a certain animal shown up in your life? Or do you notice that they seem to be everwhere... repeatedly seen on your feeds, in commercials or on signs? Guess what!? They are trying to speak to you because they have a message you need to hear and can help you change and transform your life.​


Crystal Chakra Clearing


​Chakra crystals can help to open, balance and harmonize the body’s seven chakras for improved physical and spiritual health. During a session crystals are used, combined with Reiki energy, to balance and align your chakras. The crystals and Reiki energy know exactly what needs to be done to do their work.

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