Meet Donna
Certified Reiki Master/Teacher
Donna has been a dedicated practitioner of holistic medicine for over 20 years and love empowering patients to understand their bodies and discover the gentle power of the healing arts. My passion is to bridge the gap between holistic and western medicine while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.

About Crystal Chakra Clearing Sessions
What are Chakras?
Chakras are vortices of energy found in the aura, or energy field, of the human body. These energy centers act as satellites to the universe, taking in energy, using it to influence the mind, the body, and the spirit, and then returning it back to the universe.
Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

What's Involved in a Session?
During a session crystals are used combined with Reiki energy to balance and align your chakras. This is very much like receiving a Reiki treatment in that you are full clothed, laying on the Reiki table. Next, intuitively selected crystals are placed on the parts of your body that is calling for it, or a pendulum may be used to help release any blockages. The crystals and Reiki energy know exactly what needs to be done to do their work.
During treatment, clients have reported seeing energy frequencies such as Chakra colours and/or feeling a deep sense of peace as the Reiki energy moves through their body. These frequencies work to regenerate cells and organs deeply and naturally.
How Will I Feel?
Once your session is complete you may need a moment or two to adjust to the new energy and your cleared chakras. Now is the time to take a few moments to take it all in. After the healing you may feel relaxed, clear minded, balanced and inspired. Sometimes the healing can bring up suppressed emotions and you can feel more emotional for a few days after. This is all part of the healing process. ​Tips and suggestions for self care for the next few days.
One Hour Crytal Chakra Balancing Session - $90