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Angel & Spirit Animal Readings


Hello, I'm Dianna and I am here to help you understand what your Spirit Animal(s) and Angel Guides want to share with you.

Has a certain animal shown up in your life? Or do you notice that they seem to be everwhere... repeatedly seen on your feeds, in commercials or on signs? Does a certain song seem to be playing all the time or you suddenly notice a sweet, sugary smell but you are not near any baking? Guess what!? They are your Spirit Animal and/or Angel Guides trying to speak to you. And they have a message you need to hear.

Spirit Animal Guides ...

Can help you change and transform your life? By tapping into the wisdom of your Spirit Animal Guide you can take the steps to real change.

Did You Know?


Your Gardian Angel

Made an agreement to be with you in this lifetime and may have been with you in many other lifetimes?

Your Angels & Guides

Are beings of the highest truth and compassion and working to help guide your thoughts and energy back to Love.


We always have a relationship with these beings, but it’s up to us to decide whether we want to have a dialogue with them and feel their presence.

All my life I have been able to "hear" and understand the Animal and Angel realms. As a child I spent a lot of time alone. We always had some sort of animal as a pet ... cats, dogs, frogs, birds, hamsters, gerbils, fish... and I relished my time with them. I always preferred to be with animals than with people. Animals don't lie.


When I was a child I died. It was the most incredible experience. Angels stopped me from "leaving" and told me I need to go back. You can read about it on our blog


In my early 20's I became very interested in Metaphysics while undergoing hypnotherapy. In my sessions I began to remember the different past lives I have lived, and, fascinated, I threw myself into holistic and alternative therapies including Reiki, Shamanism, and Sound Therapy.


\Also, at this time, I also discovered my ability to go into deep, trancelike meditations that allowed me to receive visions and communicate to Angels, the Devic (Nature) realm and Beings of Light from the Pleiades. These deep meditations also stepped up my ablility to communicate with the Animal Kingdom.


I was born and raised in Victoria BC and lived most of my life there until I met my husband 15 years ago. It was his retirement dream to live off the grid and we bought 10 acres of raw land on a mountain, on the remote island of Lasqueti. Our 10 acres is situated beside a nature reserve which provides us with 100's of acres of forest surrounding us.

Light & Energy Wellness Services Off Grid

Living off the grid has it's challenges (visit my Off the Grid site). We have no indoor plumbing, no modern appliances (that's right, no dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, microwave, or even a toaster!) We generate our own power through solar panels. Our only source of water is the rain water we collect and store in our water tanks.


Our only source of heat is from our woodstove which takes 6 cords of wood we need to cut down, buck, split and dry and stack every year. Our wood stove also cooks our meals and heats our water for dishes and bathing. The one modern convenience I would not live without is internet, which we get via satellite.


Though life off the grid is hard work, the benefits are many. You have not seen dark until you live miles away from the nearest city. You have not heard quiet until you live deep in the woods. This back to nature lifestyle allows me to meditate and connect with my surroundings on a level I have never known before. And that includes the animals.

The Universe is sending you signs ... all the time ... and the animals & your Angel Guides can help you decipher them.


Your Animal Spirit Guides & Angels can come to you in many different ways. In your dreams, in real life and through mediums such as tv, memes, feeds and more. How do you know when your Power Animal Spirit Guide is trying to send you a message? Because you see the image, or animal over and over again. Usually to the point where you finally think "What the Heck!!??!!"


Now that they have got your attention what do you do? There are many good resources that gives you information on the general meaning when an animal shows up in your life, but if you want deeper knowledge of what your Spirit Animal is trying to tell you, that's where I can help.

Dianna Maycock Photography

Through my ability as an Animal & Angel Communicator I will connect to your Angels & Guides and receive the messages they are trying to send you. At this time you can also ask any questions you may have.


No two readings are alike. Sometimes the information they wish to give can be quite lengthy, other times it may be a short, precise message they want you to hear and ACT upon at this time.


My readings are a "stream of consciousness". I do not interpret or try to reword the messages in any way. I deliver the message as it comes through and you may be surprised to hear terms of endearment or even a message that seems a little harsh. All messages are sent with the intention of Love, whether we resist the message or are open to hearing it's guidance and advice is up to us.


Daily Angel Card Reading

Angel Message

Please choose a card for your daily Angel Message.

In Depth Angel & Animal Spirit Readings

Readings by Email Report - $30

Thank you for contacting me. I will respond to you shortly.

Angel + Spirit Animal Readings
Half Hour Zoom Reading - $45

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